Thank God for earthquakes

As noted philosopher Jerry Lee Lewis once prominently proclaimed: “WHOLE LOTTA SHAKIN’ GOIN’ ON!” Yep, our whole economy is being routed, uprooted, hung by its heels and shaken viciously. Not just the common folks who don’t know much about banking and finance and bundled and bungled mortgages (but are in danger of losing their shirts anyway). No, even the “fat cats” and CEOs of Ford and Chrysler and GM. Even builders and suppliers and hedge fund managers and retailers. So many people in every walk of life are being shaken

You may well wonder why, in this Thanksgiving season, I’m thanking God for all this shaking. Well, let’s look again at what brought the Twin Towers down. The first time the Islamic jihadists tried to destroy the WTC, they did it the smartest way – they attacked the foundations, down in the subterranean garages, planting huge bombs that would surely have toppled the massive buildings. But they were foiled at the last minute, and had to try again. So on Sept. 11 in 2001, 23 trained and disciplined terrorists attacked the Towers at a much higher and totally unexpected level. They commandeered some jetliners, filled with unsuspecting passengers, and plunged them into the upper floors of the Towers, accomplishing the unthinkable. Two giant buildings, with thousands of people in them, crumpled to the ground in cataclysmic annihilation.

Be thankful for any of that? No, of course not. But yes, I give thanks for the brief period of galvanizing unity and the outpouring of goodwill that drew our people together. Out of that national quake came a refreshing promise of the kind of spirit that created America in the first place. It dissipated, but while it lasted, it was real.

And now a much greater shaking is affecting our national life. In a terrible pincer movement, an assault is taking place on two fronts simultaneously – one all-out attack on the foundations, the very pillars of our society, and the other on the executive suites in the ivory towers of business and finance. The jihadists in these organized, hugely funded attacks on our morality and virtue are not Middle Eastern – they’re homegrown Americans who actually believe they’re promoting a better America by destroying the foundations on which this nation was built!

To read more, click here.

Pat Boone Honors American Heroes
Entertainment legend Pat Boone has created two new websites to honor his American heroes: The National Guard and the soldiers who serve our country – in a documentary history of the Guard from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and evangelist Dr. Billy Graham in a celebrity-packed musical tribute to this iconic American.


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