Early Voter Turnout Shows America Is Excited Again

We’ve heard about ACORN and YPM and other organizations that have registered hundreds of thousands of voters over the past couple of months. President Bush has just asked the Justice Department to probe whether or not there has been voter registration fraud in Ohio. Laws have been passed in a handful of states to ensure that only those who live in the United States legally, and are legally registered to vote, will cast their ballot in our upcoming presidential election. And once this all gets sorted out, once voter fraud is identified and those who are registered illegally are not allowed to vote, one thing stands out; Americans are excited about this election. They know what it means to them and to our country.

To those who know me, or think they know me, it will come as no surprise that I believe that John McCain is the best man to run our country for the next four years and I fervently hope that he is our next President. I’m proud to cast my ballot for Senator McCain and Governor Palin.

But what really excites me is that record numbers of voters across the country are casting their ballots before Election Day, either with absentee ballots or in the 32 states that allow early voting. More Americans are expected to vote this year than in any presidential election since I’ve been able to vote, and it’s great that Americans are so interested in our future.

I watch TV and see that in Florida and other states where people are standing in line for two or more hours to cast their vote. Over 1.5 million people have already cast their votes in Florida alone. The experts say that 30% of all votes may be cast before November 4, up from 14% in 2000.

A Gallup pole released Friday found that of all people that have voted nationally, roughly half voted for Senator McCain, the other half for Senator Obama. As a Republican, I’m confident that the vote will be won on Election Day, when Republicans generally turn out to vote in much bigger numbers than Democrats. But as a patriot who loves America, I’m very excited that more people will vote this year than any other time in my lifetime.

God Bless America.

Pat Boone Honors American Heroes

Entertainment legend Pat Boone has created two new websites to honor his American heroes: The National Guard and the soldiers who serve our country (For My Country) – in a documentary history of the Guard from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and evangelist Dr. Billy Graham (Thank You Billy Graham) in a celebrity-packed musical tribute to this iconic American.


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2 Responses

  1. While I have a different preference for our next president, I join Pat in applauding the big voter turnout. We need to have more people interested in government and our nation’s future. We need more people feeling that they have a stake in that future.

    Pat, my hat is off to you as it has been for more than half a century.

  2. Groups like Acorn, are the reason every state needs someone in the role of Secretary of State’s office who is fair. In Missouri the best way to insure the integrity of our elections is to make sure that Robin Carnahan doesn’t continue on her path of destruction.

    I won’t stand for unverified elections, with no voter ID and because Robin Carnahan has written ballot language that was ruled unfair by two different judges, not once, but twice, it’s time we say good bye to her as our Secretary of State.

    It’s time we elect someone that isn’t part of either major party. That’s why I’m voting for Wes Upchurch, the Libertarian. He may be young, but he’s experienced and promises to bring real integrity back to our election system.

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