Honor America – Fly the Flag This Veteran’s Day

Soldier with Iraqi ChildVeteran’s Day is a day when all Americans should show their patriotism by not only honoring all of those brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our country to keep us free, but honor America by flying the flag in front of their house or on their car.

The flag is so very important to me. Back in the late 60s, during all the rampaging dissent over the war in Vietnam, an event occurred that forever embedded in me a truth about priority and, yes, propriety.

I read about a scene in front of President Nixon’s Florida retreat. He was there inside when a growing mob of dissidents began milling around the entrance gates, yelling anti-war, anti-Nixon epithets. One of the protesters, a big guy, was carrying an American flag – upside down, as part of his demonstration.

A little old lady, over seventy years old, was driving by in her dusty VW Beetle. When she saw what was happening, she pulled over and waded right into the mob, right up to the big galoot carrying the flag so disrespectfully. She wrenched the pole and the upside down flag right out of his hands, saying “My husband died for that flag, young man, and you’re not going to treat it that way – not while I’m around!” She marched away, leaving the crowd dumbfounded.

As I pondered how she could have done that, such a small older woman confronting the bigger, younger man, I realized that she had might because she was right – and the crowd knew it. Sometimes it’s that simple – right makes might.

Priorities. Propriety. They’re old fashioned ideas but they made America what it was. They made Americans who we were. I don’t think we can ever recover our identity without them.

Yes, these are difficult days we’re living in. At times it can be downright overwhelming. But despite what you hear and read, there are more folks with us than it sometimes appears.

I still believe. I believe in my America – an America I still remember very well.

So on Veterans Day support our soldiers, support our country, and fly our flag proudly. Let your neighbors and friends know that you support the greatest nation in the world


Displaying the Flag

1. When the flag is displayed over the middle of the street, it should be suspended vertically with the union to the north in an east and west street or to the east in a north and south street.

5. When the flag is suspended over a sidewalk from a rope extending from a house to a pole at the edge of the sidewalk, the flag should be hoisted out, union first, from the building.

6. When the flag of the United States is displayed from a staff projecting horizontally or at an angle from the window sill, balcony, or front of a building, the union of the flag should be placed at the peak of the staff unless the flag is at half-staff.

8. When the flag is displayed in a manner other than by being flown from a staff, it should be displayed flat, whether indoors or out. When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag’s own right, that is, to the observer’s left. When displayed in a window it should be displayed in the same way, that is with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street. When festoons, rosettes or drapings are desired, bunting of blue, white and red should be used, but never the flag.

13. When the flag is displayed on a car, the staff shall be fixed firmly to the chassis or clamped to the right fender.

14. When hung in a window, place the blue union in the upper left, as viewed from the street.

Pat Boone Honors American Heroes
Entertainment legend Pat Boone has created two new websites to honor his American heroes: The National Guard and the soldiers who serve our country (For My Country) – in a documentary history of the Guard from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and evangelist Dr. Billy Graham (Thank You Billy Graham) in a celebrity-packed musical tribute to this iconic American.


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Supporting the National Guard through Music

I’m not that familiar with Kid Rock. I’ve heard of him, of course, and know he’s a rocker from Detroit who has sung some country music. I know he’s a Midwest guy with Midwest values. And recently someone turned me on to “Warrior,” a music single celebrating the National Guard that has already been viewed over 400,000 times on YouTube. After watching the music video, and even without talking to him, I know Kid Rock is a true American patriot.

I come from a time when most rock singers sang anti-war, and what I considered anti-American songs, especially during the Vietnam War. I can’t tell you how excited and invigorated I am that a popular rock singer has created such as fantastic pro-American song and is supporting the National Guard. The idea gives me goose bumps and puts a smile on my face.

Watching the video, I get a distinct understanding of how much Kid Rock loves this country and loves those who defend our country. While watching the video phrases such as “I will never accept defeat,” “I give all of myself,” “I am a member of a team” and “I am the guardian of freedom” speak directly to me, to all patriotic Americans and to all of the brave men and women who are giving up so much of their personal lives to represent the best country in the world.

I worked with the National Guard to produce their definitive DVD history and applaud Kid Rock for producing this song and showing young people that it’s brave and appropriate to join the Guard and serve their country. Hopefully this song and video will encourage more young people to do what’s right for both themselves and their country.

We are all warriors in our own way. Take a look at the lyrics and watch Kid Rock’s video and “For My Country: The History of the National Guard,” and together we’ll “take a stand toward the promised land.”

I could see the city lights, then they turned to black
Then I heard the sirens sounding out
I could see the rockets glare, shooting in the night
Everyone was paying for their lives

Am I dreaming?
I don’t believe it
Am I wrong or right?
Then I heard a voice say in the night

I’m a warrior – take my hand
Let me lead you to the promised land
I’m a warrior- take my hand
Side by side we’ll make our final stand

Then I saw this blinding light – I heard a sonic boom
I could feal the earth shake in the doom
Then a silence filled the air, I could not hear a sound
I could see the ashes all around

Am I dreaming?
I don’t believe it
In the dead of night
I could hear the voice that showed me life

I’m a warrior – take my hand
Let me lead you to the promised land
I’m a warrior- take my hand
Side by side we’ll make our final stand
I’m a warrior

I’m a warrior – take my hand
Let me lead you to the promised land
I’m a warrior- take my hand
Side by side we’ll make our final stand
I’m a warrior

Pat Boone Honors American Heroes
Entertainment legend Pat Boone has created two new websites to honor his American heroes: The National Guard and the soldiers who serve our country (For My Country) – in a documentary history of the Guard from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and evangelist Dr. Billy Graham (Thank You Billy Graham) in a celebrity-packed musical tribute to this iconic American.


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The Questions of Patriotism

When’s the best time to be openly, fervently supportive of our young men and women in the military?

When they’re enlisting and training to serve, putting all their other ambitions and plans aside?

When they’re shipping out to some foreign soil, not knowing if they’ll come back wounded and impaired–or not at all?

When they’re in the thick of battle, doing what their superiors have ordered, risking their very lives resisting an implacable enemy–one who is eager in many cases to die killing our troops?

When they’ve apparently succeeded in their mission, defeating the enemy and allowing a country to form its own independent, democratic government?

When they come home, hopefully alive, possibly impaired for life but flushed with accomplishment and victory?

Or when some settle into hospitals for therapy and surgeries and medical help, paying for their sacrifice and service for a lifetime?

Yes. All of the above. Now and as long as we live.


Pat Boone Honors American Heroes
Entertainment legend Pat Boone has created two new websites to honor his American heroes: The National Guard and the soldiers who serve our country (For My Country) – in a documentary history of the Guard from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and evangelist Dr. Billy Graham (Thank You Billy Graham) in a celebrity-packed musical tribute to this iconic American.


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Why a Tribute to the National Guard?

Years ago, I sang a terrific song, “Freedom Isn’t Free.” The chorus rings in my memory even now:

“Freedom isn’t free, freedom isn’t free
You’ve got to pay the price, you’ve got to sacrifice
For your liberty.”

Subsequently, every Fourth of July, every Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day, I go out early in the morning to the vast Veteran’s Cemetery in Westwood, California. I walk alone between hundreds of rows of crosses and markers, covering many acres of rolling green hills. I read the names on those markers out loud, sometimes for hours.

I figure that’s the very least I can do to partially express my eternal gratitude to these valiant young men—and too many women—who paid the ultimate price for my freedom. I can at least say their names aloud, often with tears, realizing that many of those names haven’t been spoken by anybody for years.

But that’s not enough, not nearly enough. So recently, I wrote and produced a song, a music video—and a full documentary relating the history and the unparalleled courage of the National Guard. It’s called “FOR MY COUNTRY, The Ballad of the National Guard.”

See, too many of us just take the Guard, our first line of defense since our pre-colonial days, 372 years now, for granted. We’ve lost sight of the fact that these brave soldiers aren’t drafted—they’re volunteers! Like their forbears, in our earliest days, who put aside their plows and picked up muskets to defend their settlements, these young Americans have left offices, practices, paying positions and even plans for college. They’ve asked the Guard to train them and use them to defend our country and our way of life.

They don’t form national policy or military strategy; they go where they’re sent and they do what they’re asked to do. And they do it heroically.

Right now, the Guard makes up half or more of our fighting forces, and at tremendous sacrifice of personal goals, family and career concerns, and even life and limb, they’ve played a vital role in turning the war in Iraq from humiliating defeat to stunning victory.

These are our finest fellow Americans, and they deserve this tribute. Please join me in honoring them—and in contributing to Paralyzed Veterans of America, our wounded warriors.

Pat Boone Honors American Heroes
Entertainment legend Pat Boone has created two new websites to honor his American heroes: The National Guard and the soldiers who serve our country (For My Country) – in a documentary history of the Guard from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and evangelist Dr. Billy Graham (Thank You Billy Graham) in a celebrity-packed musical tribute to this iconic American.


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