National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program

As a great supporter of the National Guard, I want to share one of their little known programs with you which makes a big difference in the lives of young men and women, The National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program. Available in 28 states and Puerto Rico, this program is a community based program that leads, trains and mentors at-risk youth so that they can become productive citizens in America’s future.

The core components include:

· Leadership/Followership

· Responsible Citizenship

· Service to Community

· Life-Coping Skills

· Physical Fitness

· Health and Hygiene

· Job Skills

· Academic Excellence

Recognized as one of the nation’s most effective and cost efficient programs for targeting youth who are at the greatest risk for substance abuse, teen pregnancy, delinquency and criminal activity, successes include:

· Over 70% of 2005 graduates (the latest year I’ve been able to find statistics) received their high school diploma or GED

· Over 57% joined the work force

· 12.3% joined the military

· 26.7% continued their education

· Program participants have donated over 5 million hours of community service since the program started

· Programs have awarded graduates over 40,000 academic credentials since 1993

· Over 70,000 teens have graduated from the program

So if you wonder why I am so, so supportive of the National Guard, it’s programs like this that help Americans of all walks of life. Not only does the National Guard protect us at home and abroad, but it helps today’s youth become more productive citizens, which is ultimately the best thing for our country.

May God continue Bless the National Guard.

Pat Boone Honors American Heroes

Entertainment legend Pat Boone has created two new websites to honor his American heroes: The National Guard and the soldiers who serve our country – in a documentary history of the Guard from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and evangelist Dr. Billy Graham ( in a celebrity-packed musical tribute to this iconic American.


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