Thank You Billy Graham

The Bible says, “Honor those to whom honor is due.”

If there’s a human being, since the first century, who is more deserving of world-wide honor than Billy Graham, I don’t know who it is.

Yes, there have been great medical discoveries, so we honor Louis Pasteur, Jonas Salk and Madam Currie. There have been philosophical, economic and scientific discoveries that have contributed greatly to the welfare of mankind – but Billy Graham’s contributions have to do with this life, and the life we believe awaits us. We call that life eternity.

‘Live’ in front of millions and millions of people, through fifty-plus years of tireless ministry, this man has poured out his life and energies to bless men and women, their families, and their circumstances. Like Mother Theresa, he has cared for their physical well-being, but even more for their eternal destiny. Millions have heard him preach the truth of God’s love and salvation and have received it. Can anyone claim to have done more in the last 2,000 years? Billy himself is very humble and wants no accolades – but as our song says, we need to do him honor and acknowledge the miracles God can perform through a yielded man.

Like Bono, I thank God for Billy Graham.

Pat Boone Honors American Heroes
Entertainment legend Pat Boone has created two new websites to honor his American heroes: The National Guard and the soldiers who serve our country (For My Country) – in a documentary history of the Guard from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and evangelist Dr. Billy Graham (Thank You Billy Graham) in a celebrity-packed musical tribute to this iconic American.


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